Season 3 1.3.4 Hotfix Patch Notes
By Player First Games
24 okt. 2024
Rift Updates
- Fixed the incorrect “Win with a Tank” mission and replaced it with “Win with a Bruiser” on node 2B in Rift 3
Wacky Weekend Queue
- Fixed issues where certain characters could inadvertently switch side during the Volleyball game mode
+ = Buff
– = Nerf
~ = Change
* = Bugfix
Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.
Agent Smith
- Ground Side Attack 3
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could cause more knockback than intended
- Ground Side Attack 2
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could cause more knockback than intended
Banana Guard
- Ground Up Attack
- * Fixed an issue allowing Banana Guard to cancel this attack much earlier than intended
- Ground Side Attack 3
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could cause more knockback than intended
Bugs Bunny
- Air/Ground Neutral Special
- * Fixed an issue where the Safe would occasionally inherit the attack properties of Bugs Bunny’s charge attacks
- Air Side Attack 1
- + On-whiff cancel window into Air Side Attack 2 advanced 6 frames
- – On-whiff cancel window into attacks other than Air Side Attack 2 delayed 9 frames
Iron Giant
- Air/Ground Down Special
- ~ Landing hitbox size reduced to better match visuals
- Air Neutral Special
- * Fixed an issue where grab victims could be thrown with higher velocity than intended
- Air/Ground Neutral Special
- * Fixed an issue where Nubia could fly off a platform during her ground neutral special; air version unchanged
- * Fixed an issue where Nubia could use this attack to pull enemies underneath terrain
- Air/Ground Up Special
- * Fixed an issue where the ground up special did not consume an air special use; air version unchanged
- Air Side Attack
- – On-whiff cancel window into Air/Ground Cooldown Side Special delayed 9 frames; non-cooldown side special cancel window unchanged
- Ground Side Attack 3
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could cause more knockback than intended
- Air Down Special
- * Fixed an issue where fighters could get stuck to Shaggy during his grab attack
- Air Down Special (Sandwich)
- * Fixed an issue where a sandwich item would occasionally inherit the attack properties of a Rage mode super sandwich
- Rage Air/Ground Side Special
- * Fixed an issue where the on-hit weakened debuff was not properly removed on the ground side special
- Rage Air Down Special
- * Fixed an issue where fighters could get stuck to Shaggy during his grab attack
- General
- * Fixed an issue where Superman would occasionally load with incorrect textures in the game menus
The Joker
- Air Neutral Special
- * Fixed an issue that allowed The Joker to float in the air more than intended
The Powerpuff Girls
- Ground Side Attack 1
- * Fixed an issue where The Powerpuff Girls would dodge the wrong direction when buffering a dodge after this attack
- Ground Side Attack 3
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could cause more knockback than intended