Season 4 1.4.1 Patch Notes
By Player First Games
19 lis 2024
- Replaced the “Harley Total Damage Dealt” badge in step 23 of the battlepass with the “Harley Highest Damage Dealt” badge
- Minimum time required on end of game rewards screens reduced 75%. It should be much easier to mash through the end of game UI now.
- Improved memory management to reduce some uncommon crashes
- Fixed crash that occurs on “Waiting For Players” when someone fails to connect. In Arenas this will send you to end of game where you can wait for you next arena match.
- Embrace the elements tuned to match our other item curves, 25/37.5/62.5
- Damage Sponge from 30/45/75 -> 25/37/65
- Not out yet from 50/75/125 -> 40/60/100
- Air Specialist from 30/45/75 -> 25/37.5/62.5
- 1 more gold per round into the economy
- Mimics now have your items when fighting them
- Sturdy Dodger
- ~ Now applies 2 seconds (4 when stacked) of armor to the defending fighter after parrying a projectile, changed from applying armor to both team members after either fighter dodges a projectile
+ = Buff
– = Nerf
~ = Change
* = Bugfix
Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.
Banana Guard
- General
- ~ On the defeat screen, Banana Guard’s friend will now equip the same variant equipped by the losing Banana Guard
- Ground Neutral Attack
- – Full charge final hit hitbox active duration reduced 3 frames; now better matches visuals
- Ground Side Attack 1
- ~ Can now redirect Raven’s Ground Up Attack rock projectile
- Ground Side Attack 2
- ~ Can now redirect Raven’s Ground Up Attack rock projectile
- Air/Ground Side Special
- * Fixed an issue where Lenore or the cooldown projectile could continue moving infinitely under certain conditions
- * Fixed an issue where Raven could T-pose during this attack under certain conditions
- “Telekinetic Takedown” Perk
- * Fixed an issue where the cooldown for this attack was not refreshing after Raven was rung out
- * This perk is still causing sporadic crashes, so it will remain deactivated for a short time. We hope to reactivate this perk in a future patch.
Samurai Jack
- Air Neutral Special
- – Throw damage reduced to 4 from 7, grab victims are now hit by the hand hitbox (3 damage) and throw hitbox (4 damage) for a total of 7 (this change was unlisted in the 1.4.0 notes)
- – On-hit weakened debuff removed (this change was unlisted in the 1.4.0 notes)
- Air/Ground Side Special
- ~ Now allows fast fall during attack
- Air/Ground Down Special
- ~ Boot projectile is no longer broken by melee attacks that otherwise would not normally destroy projectiles
The Joker
- Air Neutral Special
- * Fixed an issue where stored charge would not be consumed when using this attack